Research and development in the context of Stratosphere is funded in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, EIT ICTLabs, the European Commission's FP7 programme, and additional grants from IBM, HP, and Deutsche Telekom.
In the DFG Collaborative Research Unit "Stratosphere: Information Management on the Cloud," the Technische Universität Berlin (Prof. Volker Markl - Databases and Information Systems Group, Prof. Odej Kao - Distributed Systems Group), Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (Prof. Johann-Christoph Freytag Database and Information Systems Group, Prof. Ulf Leser - Knowledge Management in Bioinformatics), and the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (Prof. Felix Naumann - Information Systems Group) have developed a novel, database-inspired approach to analyze, aggregate, and query very large collections of either textual or (semi-)structured data on a virtualized, massively parallel cluster architecture.
In the DFG Collaborative Research Unit "Stratosphere II: Advanced Analytics for Big Data," the Technische Universität Berlin (Prof. Volker Markl - Databases and Information Systems Group, Prof. Odej Kao - Distributed Systems Group), Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (Prof. Ulf Leser - Knowledge Management in Bioinformatics), and the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (Prof. Felix Naumann and Dr. Gjergji Kasneci - Information Systems Group) are researching the processing of complex data analysis programs with low-latency.
In the Europa project, funded by the ICTLabs of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, the Technische Universität Berlin, KTH Royal Insitute of Technology, Swedish Institute for Computer Science, Inria, University of Trento, SZTAKI, Deutsche Telekom, and SAP are building a data-intensive cloud-based computing infrastructure for Europe based on the Stratosphere open-source platform.
In the DOPA project, the Technische Universität Berlin, Internet Memory Research, Data Market, OKKAM, Vico Research, and ami are using Stratosphere to create a framework for Data Supply Chains for Pools, Services and Analytics in Economics and Finance.